
uses of hydrocolloidsfor healthhydrocolloids

Uses of Hydrocolloidsfor health

Hydrocolloids, together with other dietary fibres are increasingly being seen as contributing to a number of health effects. Some of the hydrocolloids are common bulk forming laxatives. These are used to modify diarrhoea. Also, the symptoms of diverticular disease are alleviated by increasing intakes of dietary fibre. In a variety of diabetic subjects, both guar gum and pectin reduce blood glucose level and insulin response. Maximal response is observed in obese diabetics. The mechanism of action of dietary fibre in general, and gel forming polysaccharides in particular, on serum cholesterol through the binding of bile acids in the gut may impart hypocholesteremic effect i.e. cholesterol lowering effect of dietary fibre. 


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Biology: uses of hydrocolloidsfor healthhydrocolloids
Reference No:- TGS0310024

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