
uses of glucosea glucose is used in the

Uses of Glucose

(a) Glucose is used in the conservation of fruits and making of jams and jellies.

(b) Glucose is used in the preparation of confectionary and as a sweetening agent.

(c) Glucose is used as a food for patients, invalids and children.

(d) Glucose is used in the form of calcium glucosate as medicine in treatment of calcium deficiency.

(e) Glucose is used as a reducing agent in silvering of mirrors.

(f) Glucose is used as a raw material for alcoholic preparations.

(g) Glucose is used in industrial preparation of vitamin-C.

(h) Glucose is used in the processing of tobacco.

(i) Glucose is used as an intravenous injection to the patients with lower glucose content in blood.

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Chemistry: uses of glucosea glucose is used in the
Reference No:- TGS0272602

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