Uses of General Encyclopaedia
General Encyclopaedia is usually referred to get background information on any subject. They are used to find out information about unknown subjects or refresh the memory, the bibliography at the end of each article enables the readers to delve into the depth of the subject for extensive study.
They also assist in enriching the general knowledge of a person and self-educate the layman. They act as continuous link between the teacher and the tough and a guide for a common man who can approach them without hesitation. They provide facts, illustrations, geographical, biographical, and historical information In other words, general encyclopaedias cover almost all sorts of information which are found in other reference sources viz. dictionaries, year-books, almanacs, directories, biographical and geographical sources like atlases, gazetteers, census reports, handbooks, manuals, etc. In fact, encyclopaedias enjoy high popularity and attract more users due to multi-dimensional information available in them. But, a user has to be cautious that they only serves as an introduction to the subject and for further information, some other sources have to be consulted. It must be born in mind that a common encyclopaedia should not be considered reference source for research.