Need help with the following C++ question
Practice Program
User will enter a value (size) which represents the number of values to process
The values entered will be stored in an array of type short that has 1000 elements
User will enter size numbers
The user will enter a search value;
The program will search the data for a specific value
program will display a message in which element the value was found or display a message the value was not found
Below is some blueprint I have so far in my mind, can anyone help me to finish implement the function to satisfy the requirement for this program?
using namespace std;
void input_data(short data[], short size);
void sequential_search(short data[], short size, short search_value, short &offset);
int main()
{ // declare local variables
int search_again;
// input the number of values to store in the array
// call the function to input the data into the array
do // posttest loop - will execute at least one time
// input a search value
// call sequential_search function
// display a message to output the element # where search value was found or message value not found
cout<<"To search for another number enter the digit 1 otherwise enter the digit 0 ";
while(search_again != 0);
//return 0;