Usefulness of traditional training methods



When Derek Christian wanted to run his own business, he bought a cleaning company called My Maid Service. The company had decent revenues but little growth, and Christian figure out why: employees were constantly quitting. With a turnover rate of 300%, Christian was filling the same job three times every year. The reason was simple. No one wanted a career cleaning houses, so people worked for the service only until they could find something closer to their real goals. Higher pay didn't address the problem, so Christian accepted that no one would stay forever. He opted for an unusual kind of employee development: if an employee agreed to stay with My Maid Service for two years, the company would pay for training and development (including stretch assignments at the company) to help the employee toward the next 294295step of his or her career plan. Christian determined that the costs of this program are far less than he was spending to constantly hire and train entry-level employees. Customers, too, are more satisfied and loyal because they prefer having the same people clean their homes each time.

Derek Christian's plan for employee development is clever, and because he is the business's owner, he didn't have to convince anyone but himself to try it. But imagine trying a similar program at a corporation that is owned by many stockholders. They might conclude that the cost is not in their best interests as investors in the business. Some employers even insist that employees pay for any training they receive because the employees are the ones who get the greatest benefit from what they learn.

One person who might not see a conflict is Wendy S. Becker, associate professor of management at John L. Grove College of Business. Becker advocates the idea that human resource practices should be sustainable. By acquiring, developing, and managing employees in a way that is socially responsible-concerned for their welfare and the welfare of their communities-organizations can, over the long term, be the places where the best people want to work. One way to do this, Becker says, is to hire people not just for their experience and accomplishments but also for their potential, even though these employees will reach their full value after the company has invested in their development. There is a risk that employees will take their newly learned skills elsewhere for better pay, but there is also a perhaps greater likelihood that employees will be more committed and loyal after the company invests in them. Perhaps if employers treat development programs as an investment in employees' future value to the company, rather than as an expense to minimize, employees, too, will focus more on their value to the company.

Response the below questions:

1. When a company spends money on employee development, who should receive the benefit-investors, customers, employees, or someone else? What is the most ethical way to distribute the benefits?

2. Do employees who participate in an employee development program have an ethical obligation to remain with the employer afterward? Why or why not?

Read the "Thinking Ethically: Who Gains From Employee Development?" Create a 2-3 page paper.

In addition to the two questions in the text, answer the following question:

1. Describe and evaluate the usefulness of two traditional training methods that could be used to foster ethical behavior.


Complete a 2-3 page paper (not including the title and reference pages).

Response the below questions:

Demonstrate your understanding of the information presented in the weekly reading assignments by defining terms, explaining concepts, and providing detailed examples to illustrate your points.

Read the "Thinking Ethically: Who Gains From Employee Development? Create a 2-3 page paper.

In addition to the two questions in the text, answer the following question:

1. Describe and evaluate the usefulness of two traditional training methods that could be used to foster ethical behavior.

Follow the project guidelines below.


1. Complete a 2-3 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages).

2. Answer each question thoroughly.

3. Demonstrate your understanding of the information presented in the weekly reading assignments by defining terms, explaining concepts, and providing detailed examples to illustrate your points.

4. Include references from your reading assignments to reinforce and support your own thoughts, ideas, and statements using APA citation style.

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Other Management: Usefulness of traditional training methods
Reference No:- TGS01871148

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