
Use your learning benchmarks initial and final

The Presentation

1. Preparation

Use your Learning Benchmarks (initial and final), Mid-Placement Report and Evaluations, to carefully plan a professional PowerPoint presentation.

2. The content/focus of your presentation

2.1 Introduction

This should be very brief, setting the scene appropriate to the audience (e.g. a little about IBL if to your mainly workforce audience)

2.2 Growth

At the start - what were your hopes and objectives for the placement (use the Placement Profile) and the areas identified as needing development (use the Learning Benchmark characteristics as a guide to your thinking)

At the end - what have you learnt/gained from the placement i.e. what can you do now; what do you understand/know now etc. that you didn't know at the start (use the Learning Benchmark characteristics as a guide) Useful tip: If you identify any gains which you cannot fit under any of the characteristics just add them to your list of gains that you outline in this section of the presentation.

Impact on workplace - what were the key impacts you had on your workplace?

Impact on you - how will your IBL experience impact on your life e.g. studies (subject choice, approach, motivation), career direction, view of life etc.

Recommendations for the next placement - what, if anything can either the University or your host organisation implement to improve the IBL experience for the next student?

3. Audience and Location options 

The presentation should take place at your host workplace-selected work colleagues which can include any other IBL students present at the workplace or with whom you have an association.

Your Swinburne Supervisor is required to be at your presentation-generally on his or her final visit.

4. Guidelines (read these guidelines very carefully)

  • Slides should reflect your thinking and analysis and should act as prompts to your verbal presentation revelations
  • Avoid using "fancy" techniques and visuals to mask a limited analysis
  • Presentation should take into account the culture and protocols of the place of presentation - appropriate dress is required
  • Presentations should be made using PowerPoint, with no more than 1 slide per minute (maximum)
  • Slides should be clear, with no more than 6 lines of text per slide, and a consistent use of fonts, colours and design. Check that your slides are easily readable to all in the room you will be presenting in
  • Make certain you have practised your presentation, including timing, making certain you don't simply read from your notes. Make eye contact with the audience, speak clearly, not too fast, and at an appropriate volume to be certain everyone in the room can hear you comfortably. Ensure everyone is seated and can see and hear properly
  • Engage your audience but be careful not to allow the presentation to become too chatty and casual
  • Introduce your University supervisor to the audience.
  • The total time for your presentation should be about 15 to 20 minutes and allow additional time for audience questions.  Invite questions.

5. You will be assessed on:

  • the level of analysis behind your presentation
  • the structure of the information presented
  • competence shown in using PowerPoint as a presentation tool
  • competence in engaging the audience

6. Final actions

Hand a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to your Swinburne Supervisor on the day. This copy should be signed off by your Industry Supervisor, or a representative of the host organisation, present at the presentation. This is to ensure that workplace confidentiality has been maintained, that workplace colleagues are aware of the benefits of IBL to you as an individual and that your Workplace supervisor agrees that your assessment is a reasonable representation of your IBL experience.

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Accounting Basics: Use your learning benchmarks initial and final
Reference No:- TGS01248600

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