
use your data to perform the following tasks1

Use your data to perform the following tasks.

1.  Based on the variables, construct a design that consists only main effects of one categorical IV and at least two continuous DVs. Discuss what you think the relationship is between the dependent variable and the independent variables, and what leads you to conclude about the expected signs of the coefficients in the model. 

  • Examine the group profiles and report the descriptive statistics.
  • Please check the assumptions of the MANOVA and report results. Please discuss whether any data manipulation is necessary.
  • Present the estimated model, assessing the overall fit and give an interpretation of the results.

2. Based on the variables, construct a factorial design that consists at least two categorical IVs and at least two continuous DVs. 

    • Examine the group profiles and report the descriptive statistics.
    • Please check the assumptions of the MANOVA and report results. Please discuss whether any data manipulation is necessary. (Note: please also consider possible controlled variables to be included in the model testing.)
    • Present the estimated model, assessing the overall fit and give an interpretation of the results.

3. Summarize the results of your analysis.  Use your model to make a prediction for any combination of values for your independent variables.

  1. Include the computer results in the form of an appendix. 

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Basic Statistics: use your data to perform the following tasks1
Reference No:- TGS0205294

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