Assignment: Business Computer Applications
This set of web-pages uses what you learned in Lesson 3, but it needs to be a lot prettier, and should be close to the topic: You and your Course Journey.
Use what you have learned in the previous assignment and create a three page web page project. The content of your website should be aesthetically pleasing, easy to navigate, and utilize modified tables for organization. The topic of your web pages will be about you and your journey through the course to this point. Get creative and add things about yourself, things you like, some of the work you have created during the course. Think of this as a way to show off and toot your own horn. The minimum requirements are listed below.
• There must be a home page (called index.htm or index.html) and at least two other linked pages that you have created in Word. I must be able to navigate between all three pages by only selecting the links.
• Include some of the work you produced.
• There must be links to at least one each of:
o a document file
o an image file
o a video or audio file
o an external web site
o email address contact
• Copy and paste your source code for the home page only into a new document and include it with your folder submission.
Compress your completed project folder into a zip file with your LastName as part of the file name, and upload the zip file to the assignment link above (Web Page Assessment).