Instructions 1. Solve the next problems 2. Write a MATLAB script for each problem and a Function file when it is required. 3. Submit only the MATLAB code (the script and/or function files with extension *.m)

b. A more accurate model of the diode's behavior is given by the offset diode model, which accounts for the offset voltage inherent in semiconductor diodes. The offset model contains an ideal diode and a battery whose voltage equals the offset voltage (which is approxi-mately 0.6 V for silicon diodes) [Rizzoni, 1996]. The half-wave rectifier using this model is shown in Figure P25b. For this circuit,

Use the switch stnicture to write a MAItAll program to compute how much money accumulates in a savings account in one year. The program should accept the following input: the initial amount of money deposited in the account: the frequency of interest compounding (monthly. quarterly, semiannually, or annually); and the interest rate. Run your program for a $1000 initial deposit for each case: use a 5 percent interest rate. Compare the amounts of money that accumulate for each case.