Assignment 1-
1. Conduct a one-way ANOVA with age group as the factor (grouping variable) and competency score after training as the dependent variable. Conduct and interpret a Tukey HSD test to determine which pairs of means (if any) are significantly different. When you summarize your findings, be sure to include your overall ANOVA findings (F vlaue) and if significant, your post hoc findings as well.
2. Conduct a two-way ANOVA with age group and attended as the independent variables and competency score after training as the dependent variable. Report the descriptive statistics, assumption tests, effect sizes (partial eta) as well as tests of statistical significance.
Copy and paste your output into a Word document and write up your findings in APA statements.
Assignment 2-
Use the RSM701 data. Conduct and interpret a chi-square test of independence for attendance at the training session and subsequent promotion. What can you conclude? Attach your Word document including your output and write up your results as APA statements.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar