
Use the persuasive essay outline on the next page to

Use the outline you created in week 4 to write the first draft of your essay.

Review the Persuasive Essay Guidelines.

Review the Persuasive Essay First Draft Rubric to help guide you.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Persuasive Essay: Outline Worksheet 

Review “How Do I Organize My Brainstorm into an Outline?” in “The Writing Process” Media piece. 

Assignment Directions:

Use the Persuasive Essay Outline on the next page to outline your persuasive essay by completing the following:

1)      Use the feedback you received from your instructor to revise your thesis statement.

a)      Write your thesis as a complete sentence (as you would in your essay) in the “Thesis Sentence” section under the Introductory Paragraph heading in the outline below.

2)      Create a topic sentence for each of the three paragraphs that comprise the body of your essay.

a)      Record the topic sentences in each of the “Topic Sentence” sections under the “Support for Thesis” headings in the outline below.

b)      Your topic sentences should support your thesis and provide transitions between the paragraphs.

3)      Write at least three details for each topic sentence.

a)      These details should provide support for the topic sentence. (Review the example outline below)

4)      Write a concluding sentence under the “Conclusion” heading in the outline below.

a)      Your concluding sentence should be your thesis restated in different words.     


Introductory Paragraph

Thesis Sentence: Earning a degree online is great for working adults because it is convenient, economical, and allows them to learn with other working adults around the world. 

Support for Thesis 1

Topic Sentence: Online learning is convenient.                       

A.    Detail A: You can study and learn from home.

B.     Detail B: It is easier to balance work-life obligations.

C.    Detail C: You can attend class any time you would like. 

Persuasive Essay Outline 

Introductory Paragraph

Thesis Sentence: The right to abortion must be upheld because, women must be provided with the moral right to decide what to do with their bodies and this right is essential for a woman to achieve her full potential, and, moreover, this right is very much needed to ensure gender equality. 

Support for Thesis 1

Topic Sentence: Right to abortion provides women with the moral right to decide what to do with their bodies.                       

Detail A: Right to abortion provides the opportunity for women to control their own reproduction (Daniel, 2013). 

Detail B: Right to abortion must be provided to women because “forbidding infanticide doesn’t force women to give up control of their bodies” (Hallquist, 2012). 

Detail C: Denying the right to abortion to women would pathetically mean that the government is going to control the body of women politically. 

Support for Thesis 2

Topic Sentence: Right to abortion is essential for a woman to achieve her full potential.  

Detail A: Right to abortion empowers a woman and empowerment is needed to achieve full potential in every sphere of life.

Detail B: Right to abortion provides autonomy to women and this element is needed to improve the political, social, economic, and health status of women (“Women, empowerment and health”, 1994).

Detail C: Taking the right decision in critical times help an individual to achieve full potential in the long run and the right to abortion provides women with the right to make the right decision in critical hours.

Support for Thesis 3

Topic Sentence: Right to abortion is very much needed to ensure gender equality.

The burdens of pregnancy and childbirth fall upon women but never upon men. So only with access to abortion can women be truly equal and able to determine the course of their lives.

Detail A: It is always the woman and not the man who has to bear the burdens of pregnancy and only with access to abortion “can women be truly equal and able to determine the course of their lives” (Stark, 2013).

Detail B: Right to abortion upholds civil liberty and if a woman’s civil liberty is violated through the denial to the right to abortion then that would violate her civil liberty and this violation would instigate gender inequality (Karkoulaki, 2012).

Detail C: Men and women should equally be provided with the human right to live and denying the right to abortion to women can actually put the life of a woman at stake in the process of illegal abortion, and this can bring about gender inequality.


Thesis Sentence (restated in different words): The right to abortion secures human rights and fundamental rights for women and it makes it possible for women to achieve their full potential, to have control over their bodies, and to attain gender equality. 


Daniel, P. (2013). Is Abortion Women’s Right To Control Their Bodies? With All I Am. Retrieved November 6, 2015, from https://withalliamgod.wordpress.com/2013/08/24/is-abortion-womens-right-to-control-their-bodies/

Hallquist, C. (2012). Abortion is about the right of women to control their bodies. Patheos. Retrieved November 6, 2015, from https://www.patheos.com/blogs/hallq/2012/05/abortion-is-about-the-right-of-women-to-control-their-bodies/

Karakoulaki, M. (2012). Abortion and Women’s Right in the USA. Retrieved November 6, 2015, from https://thegwpost.com/2012/06/15/abortion-and-womens-rights-in-the-usa/

Stark, P. (2013). The Gender Equality Argument for Legalized Abortion. Retrieved November 6, 2015, from https://www.nationalrighttolifenews.org/news/2013/03/the-gender-equality-argument-for-legalized-abortion/#.Vjw9LLcrLIU

Women, empowerment and health (1994). UNITED NATIONS POPULATION INFORMATION NETWORK (POPIN). Retrieved November 6, 2015, from https://www.un.org/popin/icpd/infokit/infokit.eng/5women.html 

Grading Criteria

Consider the following criteria when developing the outline for your essay. These criteria will be applied when this assignment is graded. 

1)      Outline contains a thesis statement.  

2)      Outline contains a topic sentence for each of the three paragraphs of the body of the essay.

3)      Transitions between paragraphs are evident and appropriate.     

4)      Contains three details for each topic sentence; details provide support of the related topic sentence.


5)      Outline contains concluding sentence, which restates the thesis in different words.

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