
Use the nadler amptushmanrsquos congruence model to

Project Subject: Analyzing an organization using Nadler &Tushman’s Model
1- Use the Nadler &Tushman’s congruence model to describe your organization or an organization you are familiar with. Categorize the key components of the environment, strategy, tasks, formal system, and key individuals. What outputs are desired? Are they achieved?
2- Is the strategy in line with organization’s environmental inputs? Are the transformation process (the key tasks, the formal organization, the informal organization, and the key individuals) all aligned well with your organization’s strategy? How do they interact to produce the outputs?
3- When you evaluate your organization’s outputs at the organizational, group, and individual levels, do you see anything that might identify issues that your organization should address?
4- Are there some aspects of how your organization works that you have difficulty understanding? If so, identify the resources you can access to help this analysis.
The Project structure needed around 12 pages + Presentation to cover:
1.title page.
2.abstract/executive summary.
3.table of contents.
5.Report body
6.conclusion and recommendations 
7.referance and appendix. 

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Dissertation: Use the nadler amptushmanrsquos congruence model to
Reference No:- TGS01354387

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