1. Use the Maxwell-Boltzmann formulae for diatomic gases and calculate the value of cp for water vapor at 400.°F and 1.00 psia. The characteristic temperatures of H2O are Θr = 0.337 R, Θv1= 4131 R, Θv2 = 9459 R, and Θv3 = 9720 R:
2. The experimentally measured value for cv/R for ammonia, NH3, at 15.0°C is 3.42. Use the Maxwell-Boltzmann formulae for nonlinear polyatomic gases to calculate the value of cv/R for ammonia, then compute the percent error in your result. The characteristic vibrational temperatures of ammonia are Θv1 = 1367 K, Θv2 = Θv3 = 2341 K, Θv4 = 4801 K, and Θv5 = Θv6 = 4955 K: