use the matlab randn function to generate 1000

Use the MATLAB randn function to generate 1000 points for x. Generate the output of the unknown system with the ?lter function and b=[1232 1] and a=[1]. Normalise the ?lter output so that its variance is unity, i.e. y = y./sqrt((sum(b.*b)); call the randn function again to generate 1000 points for the measurement noise, scale the values by 0.1 and add them to [ ], and calculate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in dB for y[k] (The power of zero mean white noise is 2 ; when a noise signal is scaled its standard deviation, i.e , gets scaled by the same factor).

- Use the xcorr function to estimate the cross-correlation and autocor relation elements to form Rxx and Pzx.

- Solve for the optimum Wiener ?lter. Is it close to that of the unknown system?

- Repeat the experiment by varying the scaling applied to the additive noise to 1.0 and 10.0, re-calculate the SNR for each case. What is the effect upon the Wiener solution? What happens if w is assumed to be greater than 4?

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Applications of MATLAB: use the matlab randn function to generate 1000
Reference No:- TGS0207373

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