
Use the legalization of marijuana issue in this initial

Use the legalization of marijuana issue.

In this initial journal assignment you are asked to research current news articles in reputable online or print news media sources. Your research goal is to find an important issue facing Canadian society currently. You can use one of the issues discussed in the wiki last week, but the article you analyze must have been published within two weeks of the assignment due date . Once you have found a reputable media source, you are to complete the tasks below that will help you learn to be an analytic reader. It is a good idea to complete the tasks by writing them out as a document on your computer before creating the journal page as you can then just paste the information into the journal. 

Task -

Click on the "Create Journal Entry" button above and then paste or enter the information listed below.  Do not attach your answer as a separate document. 

1. Cite the article you are using in proper APA format. Make sure it is published in the last two weeks. You can find out how to do this here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

2. Restate the issue concisely in your own words.

3. State the conclusion the article has arrived at with regard to the issue.

4. List the reasons the author gives to support that conclusion.

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Dissertation: Use the legalization of marijuana issue in this initial
Reference No:- TGS01651491

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