Your company is thinking about acquiring another corporation. You have two choices; the cost of each choice is $250,000. You cannot spend more than that, so acquiring both corporations is not an option. The following are your critical data:
Corporation A:
1) Revenues = 100K in year one, increasing by 10% each year.
2) Expenses = 20K in year one, increasing by 15% each year.
3) Depreciation Expense = 5K each year.
4) Tax Rate = 25%
5) Discount Rate = 10%
Corporation B:
1) Revenues = 150K in year one, increasing by 8% each year.
2) Expenses = 60K in year one, increasing by 10% each year.
3) Depreciation Expense = 10K each year.
4) Tax Rate = 25%
5) Discount Rate = 11%
For each corporation (A & B), forecast the income statements for the next five years. Use the income statements to determine the Operating Cash Flow (OCF) for the next five years.
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