Use the DOQ-IT resource "A Systems Approach to Operational Redesign Workbook," referenced in the unit 8 slides as a guide for completing the activity.
• Conduct a basic user needs analysis for a given example situation
• Identify several potential challenges that may emerge during installation and generate a strategy to solve (lack of basic computer literacy in staff, etc.)
I interviewed my daughter's pediatrician and her staff. I asked a lot of questions and spent a fair amount of time observing the office practice. From my notes and observations, I will provide what I think I heard in regards to the goals of the office in regard to the following elements. The next step would be in validating what I represent here with the actual members of the office team so see if I have represented them correctly.
1. Document the process.
Print out and fill in pages 4 and 5 of the workbook.
2. Describe the vision and goals.