
Use the data provided on each worksheet to answer the

General Instructions

1 Use the data provided on each worksheet to answer the questions or solve the problems.

2 Place your answers in the yellow highlighted boxes or where designated.

3 If a question is multiple choice, the choices will be labeled A, B, C, etc. Put the letter of your answer in the yellow highlighted box. Use a capital letter, and do not use a period or other punctuation. Use only the letter designation of A, B, or C for your answer.

4 Some problems instruct you to insert an output in a specific cell in the worksheet. Follow this instruction very carefully.

5 Some instructions on are contained in a Comment. Look for the small red triangle in the upper right of a cell. This cell has such a triangle. Place your mouse cursor over the cell to reveal the comment.

6 If the answer to a question requires a numerical answer and there are decimal places, include at least fourdecimalplaces, e.g., 42.1236 not 42.12 or 42.124. Some calculated items instruct you to format to two decimal places. Follow that instruction since formatting does not change the underlying value of the calculation.

7 It is expected that, where possible, you will use Excel functions, formulas, PivotTables, PivotCharts, and Data Analysis tools to answer questions, solve problems, create tables, and create charts.

8 Yellow boxes with diagonal bars indicate an instruction to perform some action. Place the result of the action in the cell indicated in the specific instruction.

9 Some problems call for the creation of a chart, plot, or table. Maximum credit will be given for charts, plots, & tables that communicate the intent of the chart/plot/table and do not contain superfluous information. To receive maximum credit, appropriate titles, labels, and formatting should be used. Scoring is divided into two parts: 20 points for accuracy (i.e. correct chart with data displayed correctly) & 10 points for display/formatting.

10 Do not modify the observations in the data sets in any way. Do not move the observations in the data sets. Do not add any observations or perform any calculations at the bottom of any column containing data. Doing so will result in incorrect answers to the questions asked.

11 Do not add or delete columns or rows in any worksheet. Doing so will result in incorrect answers to the questions asked.

12 Point values for the questions/problems are shown in parentheses following statement of the question/problem. The grade for the Applications Assignment will be the sum of all earned points across all worksheets divided by the total possible points across all worksheets.

13 This is an individual assignment and should be completed on your own. You may use the texts, the homework, the workbooks that accompanied the texts, the eLectures, or any other print or electronic resource you may find. However, you cannot discuss the assignment or consult with any fellow classmate, fellow student, a coach, a coworker, a former student, or anyone else. Failing to follow this instruction will be considered a violation of the University's Academic Honesty Policy and will result in a failing grade for the course.

Your completed spreadsheet must be submitted by the date specified in the Applications Assignment Dropbox. Submit to the Applications Assignment Dropbox. Do not submit to Doc Sharing. Use the following naming convention for your Applications Assignment: LastName,FirstName- AA-Summer-2015.xlsx. That is, put your last and first names in the file name. Your submission should look like the followiing

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Accounting Basics: Use the data provided on each worksheet to answer the
Reference No:- TGS01284058

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