1. Use the data set SALARY.MTW in the Student 12 folder.
(a) Prepare a side-by-side bar chart showing the gender distribution for each rank (put the variable "Rank" first, followed by "Gender" in the dialogue box). Comment on the results.
(b) Prepare a scatterplot showing starting salary versus years of experience of the faculty member when he/she started at the college. Comment on the relationship.
2. Use the data set SCHOOLS.MTW.
(b) Use the descriptive statistics command to summarize the number of teachers who called in sick (the variable Sick) by school type (SchlType). In addition, to the default output, customize your results to include the Range, Interquartile Range, and Coefficient of Variation. Comment on your results.
(c) Construct boxplots for the number of teachers who called in sick (Sick) by school type (SchlType) on the same graph. Select the option: Simple with groups. In the box labeled Categorical variables for grouping put in "ShlType." Do the results agree with your comments in part (a). Explain.
3. Use the data file DEFECTS.MTW.
(a) Construct a Pareto diagram that shows frequency of defects by type (type is in the column labeled "Describe.).
(b) Construct a Pareto diagram that shows frequency of defects by plant.
(c) Which do you think does a better job at distinguishing the vital few from the trivial many? Explain.
4. Use the data set AIRLINES.MTW that has been provided with this assignment. Please refer to the data set description of the variables contained in this data set that has also been provided.
(a) Prepare a histogram for the percentage of on time arrivals. Comment on the shape of the distribution.
(b) Prepare an ogive (cumulative percentage curve) for the percentage of on time arrivals. Approximate the median for this distribution from the ogive.
(c) Prepare a stem and leaf display for the ACSI ratings. Comment on the shape of the distribution.
(d) Compute the correlation between the ACSI ratings and the complaints per 100000 enplanements. Interpret.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar