
Use the concept map to create a detailed outline of your


Use the concept map to create a detailed outline of your Comprehensive Literature Review paper. This assignment is intended to help you find a logical focus to your writing and to help alleviate alignment problems in your final document. It is also intended to help you focus on the overarching task for this course: to write a brief literature review. For this assignment, submit the following:

  • Create a comprehensive concise outline that you will use to write your literature review. The outline should include more than simply topic headings from your concept map; instead, provide details regarding the scholarly sources under each heading with connections between the findings of the different studies. These connections should align specific articles to topics and subtopics you have already defined. Do not simply list information about each article as is done for annotated bibliographies; ask yourself how the article conclusions or finding relate to topic and subtopic ideas or identified gaps in the research.
  • The length of the outline may vary depending on your topic area, but it should have enough detail that it is at least 2 pages. Remember that you need to include at least 8 scholarly sources that you used in your concept map for this assignment.
  • Provide enough detail that a reader may discern the overall ideas that your paper will present and how the literature supports and relates to your ideas. Make sure to use your detailed notes on each source and your concept map to help you with your assignment.
  • The conceptual/theoretical framework is a foundational piece of the dissertation writing process. As you complete this assignment, make sure to note the conceptual frameworks or theoretical frameworks used by the researchers in your outline.  You will focus more on the framework in the coming weeks.

Length: 2-4 pages

Feedback provided by the faculty:

If you examine the assignment instructions, you need to select one topic. Two topics is not an option. Research needs to be conducted on this topic with a minimum of 8 scholarly sources that deal with that topic alone. Also, I would never advise limiting your research to the bare minimum.

Once this topic is selected and the research conducted, the assignment requires that your create acomprehensive outline of the literature. As stated in the assignment, this involves that development of subtopics within your major topic area. The literature within each subtopic needs to be detailed and connections drawn. What you have presented is not an outline. Here are some sources that might be of use to you as you undertake this:


What is described in this source in Section 4 and 5 is what you are engaged in with this assignment. Remember, it is an outline that you are submitting.

In your notes, you asked me if you topic is worthy of research. That is dependent on the research. The topic needs to be grounded in the research. Are others working on this topic? What is the body of knowledge? It is the literature review that reveals a gap that needs to be filled by your proposed research. The review also identified the methods used, the concepts, how variables are measured and other important measurement issues. I suggest you might want to look at the sources on literature reviews in the Dissertation Center. It is listed near the top left under Annotated Bibliographies and Literature Reviews.

Rewrite this assignment according to the requirement and feedback provided by the faculty

Effects of Cross-National Culture in business operations in International Business context

The purpose of this research is to understand the cross-national cultural differences and its effect on business operations in international business context. The main focus area of this research is to understand different cross-border cultures and how it can effect operational decision in business.

This study will discuss different cultural models and its contextual differences in business operation. The paper will further show the importance of how business mentoring can develop cultural intelligence towards business operation and can influence vital factors in company's success. The listed references will be the base of this study.

Cross-Cultural Effect

Cultural Models:

In the first section, different cultural models will be discussed to understand the implications on firms' international operations. This part of the paper will review different cultural models using Hofstede's (1980), Hall's (1976), Troompenaars' (1993) and Kogut and Singh's (1988) concept of cultural distance and the study will be supported by "Reis, N. R., Ferreira, M. P., Santos, J. C., & Serra, F. R. (2013). A BIBLIOMETRIC STUDY OF THE CULTURAL MODELS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH. UM ESTUDO BIBLIOMÉTRICO DOS MODELOS CULTURAIS NA PESQUISA EM NEGÓCIOS INTERNACIONAIS., 10(4), 340-354. doi: 10.4013/base.2013.104.04''. This bibliometric study of over 3600 articles examines citation and co-citations to assess the relative use of the cultural models. The samples were selected by following Bois and Reeb's (2000) ranking of International Business. The research findings show that Hofstede's model is the most cited cultural models and is the core stream of much International business research. Furthermore, the research findings help understand the extent to which and how the cultural models are used in extant International Business Research. Another bibliometric study, examining 517 articles "Ferreira, M. P., Li, D., Reis, N. R., & Serra, F. R. (2014). Culture in international business researchAbibliometric study in four top IB journals. Management Research: The Journal of the IberoAmerican Academy of Management, 12(1), 68." found Hofstede's cultural model to be the most cited and used one. The research points out to some research avenues to deepen the understanding of how firms may handle different national cultures in the geographies they operate (Ferreira, Li, Reis, & Serra, 2014).

Cultural Theories and Concepts:

To continue this above discussion about different cultural models the paper will continue to discuss new concepts and theories that will show the contextual differences in terms of institutions, philosophies, and cultural values. The discussion will add a new dimension to the study as far as manifesting contemporary management practices are concerned. At this point, the study will compare the past cultural models with the new concepts and theories. This part of the study will be supported by "Barkema, H.G., Xiao-Ping, C., George, G., Yadong, L.U.O., &Tsui, A.S. (2015). WEST MEETS EAST: NEW CONCEPTS AND THEORIES. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 460-479. Doi: 10.5465/amj.2015.4021".  The empirical study discusses the significant differences in values, beliefs and approaches to problem-solving decisions.

Importance of culture in International Business

Effect of managerial decision:

In this section, the study will discuss the importance of international business and explain how cultural differences can effect managerial decisions. The evidential study based in Russia conducted by "Latukha, M. O., &Panibratov, A. Y. (2015). Top management teams' competencies for international operations: do they influence a firm's result? Journal of General Management, 40(4), 45-68 defines a set of vital factors that influence companies' operational success. The findings of this study indicate that there is a strong correlation between top management competencies and the successful realization of firm's operations in international markets. The theoretical outcome of this study suggests that how firms face difficulties operating in foreign nationals. It identifies lack of cultural knowledge as one of the significant difficulties the top management faces. Further research "Williams, S. L. (2011). Engaging values in international business practice. Business Horizons, 54, 315-324doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2011.02.004 identifies four key work values (Honesty, Fairness, Concern of Others and Achievement) and discusses how this core values effects managerial decisions and behaviors in the international business arena. This evidential study concludes by addressing the values and principles of workplaces and how it achieves cross-cultural, ethical practices in international business.

At this point, the study will discuss how business mentoring can help the managers understand local culture and how this values can be used to make better decisions in business operations.

Entrepreneurial Mentoring:

The value of entrepreneurial mentoring and cross-cultural entrepreneurial mentoring will be one of the highlights of this section. "Purcell, G., &ScheyvFocusAreaens, R. (2015). International business mentoring for development: The importance of local context and culture. International Journal of Training and Development. doi: 10.1111/ijtd.12057" in this article the research indicates that business mentoring can be an effective tool towards the development of business if the mentoring is done based on a  local cultural context. The study uses interviews with 23 entrepreneurs and a survey of the New Zealand mentors. However, the students argued that most of the time the mentors were not able to draw attention towards the study especially because of lack of cultural knowledge. Further research was done by studying "Ramsey, J. R., Barakat, L. L., &Aad, A. A. (2014). Commitment to the Study of International Business and Cultural Intelligence: A Multilevel Model. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 25(4), 267-282. doi: 10.1080/08975930.2014.902349". This article adopts a multilevel theoretical framework to examine data from 292 business students metacognitive and motivational cultural intelligence and discusses the implications within a classroom context that involves cross-cultural interactions.

This article "Chua, R. Y. J., Roth, Y., &Lemoine, J.-F. (2015). The Impact of Culture on Creativity: How Cultural Tightness and Cultural Distance Affect Global Innovation Crowdsourcing Work. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60(2), 189-227. doi: 10.1177/0001839214563595'' discusses a theoretical model to understand the effect of culture on creativity. The paper compares between cultural tightness and cultural distance. It theorizes that success depends on the cultural tightness when the country is characterized by strong social norms.

Now the study will discuss how cultural values can be engaged in international business practice. At this point of the study how international business can achieve cross-cultural ethical practices, managerial alignment with core work values and their implementation will be discussed.


Barkema, H. G., Xiao-Ping, C., George, G., Yadong, L. U. O., & Tsui, A. S. (2015). WEST MEETS EAST: NEW CONCEPTS AND THEORIES. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 460-479. doi: 10.5465/amj.2015.4021

Chua, R. Y. J., Roth, Y., & Lemoine, J.-F. (2015). The Impact of Culture on Creativity: How Cultural Tightness and Cultural Distance Affect Global Innovation Crowdsourcing Work. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60(2), 189-227. doi: 10.1177/0001839214563595

Ferreira, M. P., Li, D., Reis, N. R., & Serra, F. R. (2014). Culture in international business researchA bibliometric study in four top IB journals. Management Research: The Journal of the IberoAmerican Academy of Management, 12(1), 68.

Latukha, M. O., & Panibratov, A. Y. (2015). Top management teams' competencies for international operations: do they influence a firm's result? Journal of General Management, 40(4), 45-68.

Purcell, G., & ScheyvFocus Areaens, R. (2015). International business mentoring for development: The importance of local context and culture. International Journal of Training and Development. doi: 10.1111/ijtd.12057

Ramsey, J. R., Barakat, L. L., & Aad, A. A. (2014). Commitment to the Study of International Business and Cultural Intelligence: A Multilevel Model. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 25(4), 267-282. doi: 10.1080/08975930.2014.902349


Williams, S. L. (2011). Engaging values in international business practice. Business Horizons, 54, 315-324. doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2011.02.004

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