Use the circuit in Figure 9.19 to drive eight LEDs. Configure the USART1 to operate in synchronous master mode. Display the LEDs in the following manner:
1. Light all LEDs for a quarter second and off for a quarter second. Repeat this pattern four times.
2. Light one LED at a time for a quarter second-from the LED driven by Q7 to the LED driven by QO. Repeat this pattern four times.
3. Light one LED at a time for a quarter second-from the LED driven by QO to the LED driven by Q7. Repeat this pattern four times.
4. Light the LEDs driven by Q7 and QO for a quarter second and then off for a quarter second. Repeat this pattern four times.
5. Light the LEDs driven by Q6 and Q1 for a quarter second and then off for a quarter second. Repeat this pattern four times.
6. Light the LEDs driven by Q5 and Q2 for a quarter second and then off for a quarter second. Repeat this pattern four times.
7. Light the LEDs driven by Q4 and Q3 for a quarter second and then off for a quarter second. Repeat this pattern four times.
8. Go to Step 1 and repeat forever.