
Use the cinematic concept

Cinema writing:

Project description:

1. Watch Rust and Bone by Jacques Audiard -France 2012 and write 3 reasons to watch the Rust and Bone 3 reasons to watch rust and bone:

1) use the cinematic concept (that you chose from our 5 and that you will use for your final project) to ‘see’ the film and write about one way this a applies to theme/style

2) same for one concept from kristrva about the abject ( the quotation i chose is : Quote – “The depressed person is a radical, sullen atheist,” Kristeva Julia. This quote outlines that a depressed person can act irrationally as well as uncontrollably due to his or her emotional instability.

Example – Kristeva defines the abject as “To each ego its object, to each superego it’s abject. It is not the white expanse or slack boredom of repression, not the translations and transformations of desire that wrench bodies, nights, and discourse; rather it is a brutish suffering . . .”)

3) Your own reason.

In each ‘quote’ one moment and/or image from the film relevant to each ‘reason'(A reason can simply be an insight you have).

2. Write about one abject food ( 1 paragraph )

The object food that I chose is celery which I hate even smelling or eating it because when I was in middle school I order Chinese food and celery came for free side dish but the smell of celery got on to my food all over so I could not eat them or get near them any more even though I did not had any problem eating them before Base on my story I need one paragraph that explains my Abject food ( 1 paragraph total)

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Reference No:- TGS01438452

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