Project 4: HATEOAS Implementation
Project Description:
Use the case study material as a requirement. We will concentrate improving services that were built in project 3 by adding the following:
- Server side:
o Start with an Entry Point for the service using the Search Book functionality
o The response to Search Book resource will contain Hypermedia links for subsequent services.
o All subsequent resource state will provide Hypermedia for the resource representation and subsequent application protocols.
o Authenticate/Authorize customer
o ERROR and Exception handling
- Consumer Side:
o A consumer application that will run in browser (or stand alone).
o It should start with an entry point.
o All subsequent application protocols shown as links to be manipulated on the Consumer application.
The following will be the full service offering from the service side:
- Authenticate/Authorize customer - Adding username/Password
- Search Book
- Buy Book
- Get Order Status Information
- Cancel Book Order