
Use the car for business purposes

Your company provides you with a car. You are told only to drive in Dade and Broward and only to use the car for business purposes. One weekend your family is going to the Keys. You get in your personal car and it won't start so you take the company car to the Keys, which is in Monroe, for the weekend.

When you return to work on Monday your boss calls you in his office and asks you why you drove the car outside of Dade and Broward. You explain and then ask him how he knew. He tells you that each company car has a GPS track system. The insurance company gives us a discount if we only drive in a limited area and one of the requirements is that we track our cars. He also tells you the cost of the insurance and trip will be taken from your next paycheck and you are lucky to have a job.

The above is just one example of the types of surveillance that a company might use. They can track you with your cell phone and look at the phone numbers you called. They can install video cameras. They can monitor every key stroke on your computer.

Please discuss your thoughts about being monitored by your employer. Do you think it is right or wrong? After thinking about it would you do anything differently at work?

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Accounting Basics: Use the car for business purposes
Reference No:- TGS0553827

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