
Use the article the revolutionary gospel according to

Reading Assignment -

Use the article The Revolutionary Gospel According to Samuel Adams to answer the following questions. Complete sentences are not required, but please be descriptive enough that your answer makes sense. Answers can be written underneath each question.

1. Samuel Adams gave the name to this important Revolutionary Era event:

2. Adams compared the American revolutionaries to this group:

3. Why did Increase Mather and brother Cotton Mather participate take part in a 1689 rebellion to topple the royal governor of the New England colonies?

4. How did Samuel the Elder earn a living?

5. What tragic incident occurred amid the excitement of George Whitefield's visit to Boston's New South Church in 1740?

6. Samuel Adams held a series of jobs prior to the Revolutionary Era. He worked in his father's business and in a counting house. Ironically, he even held this position for a while:

7. Samuel's cousin John Adams made a controversial decision when he opted to defend this individual in court.

8. The Committee of Correspondence created the "Rights of the Colonists." which provided a framework for this document.

9. The First Continental Congress complained to King George III about his toleration of this group in Canada.

10. Samuel Adams helped to craft this document in 1780, which later served as a model for the federal Constitution.

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Dissertation: Use the article the revolutionary gospel according to
Reference No:- TGS02644272

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