Use the appropriate accident causation theory or theory

Work at Stinson Shipping was getting extremely hectic. Tom Murphy, the loading dock manager, looked over the list of shipping documents that he needed to process and marveled at the increase in business over the past three months. The loading dock was consistently busy, even on the midnight to 8 AM shift. As he started to review the regular incoming and outgoing loads that would be processed today, he noted that a shipment of caustic lye would be traveling through the dock on an express ticket. Because of the nature of the shipment, special safety requirements would be enforced. The need to get the load to the end-user as quickly as possible was also one of his major concerns. As he was about to leave his office, his telephone rang. Mike Morello, the dock's equipment manager, started to explain that the forklift needed to load and unload the caustic lye shipment had a bad hydraulic leak and the parts to fix it were on backorder. Tom told Mike that getting the forklift operational was imperative because the load was coming in very soon and needed to be expedited. Mike said he might be able to get a temporary fix completed, but he did not sound too happy about doing so. Tom told him to "Just get it done."

As the forklift operator, Bill Jefferson, guided the forklift tines into the pallet that held the packaged chemical, he noted drops of hydraulic fluid on the dock floor. He yelled over at Tom, who was watching the operation, but Tom just waived to him, indicating that he should continue. Putting the pallet into the first available spot on the floor proceeded without a problem. The second pallet was to be placed on top of the first and as it was lifted into position, the hydraulic hose on the lift cylinder experienced catastrophic failure just as the forklift approached the first pallet. The second pallet fell onto the corner of the first pallet and the containers on it started spewing the chemical it contained. Bill was covered with the chemical and needed to be rushed to the local hospital.

Use the appropriate accident causation theory or theory combination to explore this scenario


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Operation Management: Use the appropriate accident causation theory or theory
Reference No:- TGS0572491

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