
Use the analysis tools and determine the intensity of the

Includes assessment. Must post first. Michael Porter (1980) created a strategic analysis called 5 Forces. Using your chosen organization, use the analysis tools and determine the intensity of the competition and if it is profitable or if it will be profitable. Please provide all 5 Forces as depicted in exhibit 6.1 on page 33 of your textbook. Explain your reasoning please. Do not reference your book, it is a tool to help you work through the information from your healthcare source. Seek information through your healthcare organization and or news articles and journals. Write in third person and do not use “I think or in my opinion”. Keep your information factual and follow APA standards on referencing. Please use the NAU Library APA guide for assistance. Requirements for posting in your discussion boards this quarter are listed in each discussion and as an attachment in the library under discussion forums. It is important to understand what is acceptable and what is forbidden. APA standard rules apply so be sure you review them! The forbidden list is located in your course library. Each discussion must be researched and do not use the book as a reference as we all have the same information and this is redundant posting. A minimum of 250 words are necessary for your first post. Two responses are required to fellow students be sure you watch for commentary from your instructor and respond accordingly. A minimum of three sentences per response please. "Great and good job" does not qualify as a sentence or a response. Do not use your book to as a reference to the discussion board as it is redundant and everyone has the book. Always seek an outside resource for discussion posts. Use an outside resource for your initial post. Seek information through healthcare news articles and journals. Follow APA standards on referencing. Please use the NAU Library APA guide for assistance. Use full APA standards for all references. A URL reference link post alone will lose 12 points per discussion before grading. Be professional in your grammar and punctuation use spell check and capital letters where needed. Points lost if not professional.

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Operation Management: Use the analysis tools and determine the intensity of the
Reference No:- TGS02910442

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