You have been assigned to be the Data Architect at your company. Your company is trying to create a baseline governance process for multiple systems and you have been tasked with preparing a review of each system.
Review Figure 2-8, "Introduction to the Relational Model," in Database System Concepts.
Review a company that you are familiar with or your company's Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system, then complete the following using Microsoft® SQL Server 2014:
- Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for OLTP.
- Write SQL scripts in Microsoft® SQL Server for OLTP that includes:
- A Data Definition Language (DDL) script with a minimum of three tables
- Four Data Manipulation Language (DML) scripts that can be an insert, truncate, update, delete, or any combination thereof
3. Write and run a test script for Step Two. Save a screen shot of the results.
Use PowerPoint® to design a process flow illustrating your proposed data migration process. Keep in mind that data migration to a temporal database is inevitable.
Create a 6-slide PowerPoint® presentation that addresses following topics:
- The ERD
- The SQL scripts in Microsoft® SQL Server, test script, and results
- The data migration process flow