
use of table comparisons - sqltable comparisons

Use of Table Comparisons - SQL

Table comparisons where it is noted that although table expressions cannot be compared, we have TABLE (t) to convert a table expression t into a value expression of type ROW ( r ) MULTISET, where r is the row type of t. However, the only operator in SQL for comparing two multisets is "=", so SQL has no direct counterparts of examples, which use "⊆", and nor does this chapter.

Those examples are shown merely to demonstrate that every constraint that can be expressed as an invocation of IS_EMPTY can be formulated alternatively as an invocation of "⊆". If SQL were to have a counterpart of that operator, it would presumably have to be an "is submultiset of " operator, where m1 is a submultiset of m2 if and only if each element of m1 appears at least as many times in m2 as it does in m1. But SQL doesn't have such an operator.

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PL-SQL Programming: use of table comparisons - sqltable comparisons
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