
Use of queues in real world

Question 1:

Illustrate what dynamic pointers are. Demonstrate their memory representations diagrammatically.

Question 2:

Write concise notes regarding pointers in arrays, paying attention on base address.

Question 3:

The structure Student comprises three (3) members (StudID, Name and AverageMark).  Write down a C++ program that will let a user to enter the student ID, the name and the average mark of a student and then exhibit these data on screen. The display is done using a function Display. You must employ a structure pointer and pass it in function Display.

Question 4:

What do you mean by the term queue?  List all two applications of queue.

Question 5:

Provide two instances of the use of queues in real world.

Question 6:

What do you mean by the term Priority queue?

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C/C++ Programming: Use of queues in real world
Reference No:- TGS09363

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