
use of e-commerce helpful to the consumerin c2b


In C2B communication, customers/consumers are given more power over what and how products are made and how services are delivered, thereby enlargement consumer choices. E-commerce allows for a faster and more open process, with customers having greater control. E-commerce makes information on goods and the market as a whole readily accessible and available, and increases price transparency, which allow customers to make more suitable purchasing decisions.

1. Business relationships transformation through e-commerce

E-commerce transforms old economy relationships (vertical/linear relationships) to new economy relationships characterized by end-to-end relationship management solutions (integrated or extended relationships).

2. E-commerce link customers, workers, suppliers, distributors and competitors

E-commerce facilitates organization networks, wherein small firms depend on "partner".

Firms for supplies and product distribution to address customer demands more efficiently.

To handle the chain of networks linking workers, customers, distributors, suppliers, and even competitors, an integrated or extended supply chain management solution is desired. Supply chain management (SCM) is defined as the supervision of information, materials, and finances as they move from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer. It includes the integration and co-ordination of these flows both within and among companies. The purpose of any efficient supply chain management system is timely provision of services or goods to the next link in the chain (and ultimately, the decrease of inventory within each link).

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Reference No:- TGS0173578

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