
Use of don quixote in united states culture

Post-WW II use of Don Quixote in U.S. culture:

After WWII, the United States entered a period characterized by conformity at home and covert or overt military intervention abroad, both ostensibly justified by the Cold War confrontation with the Communist threat. By the decade of the 1960s, however, response within and beyond the U.S. boiled over in anti-war protests, the counter-culture, the youth movement, women’s liberation, Civil Rights, the Chicano movement, and struggles for equality and recognition by other groups including gays, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. The end of the Vietnam War was the beginning of another period, in which the tension between reaction and the continuing advance of multiculturalism exacerbated polarization in political life and society. Since 9/11 everything has changed at the same time as nothing has. Another global threat, militant Islamism, has taken the place of the Soviet “Evil Empire.” What is the role of Don Quixote in any part of this? How has the novel been used by authors, understood by readers, adapted, referenced, re-interpreted in accordance with the necessity of the times? Refer to at least two books, at least one film, and at least one other cultural manifestation.

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