Use of BLAST online database to search for protein identity
Supplied below is a query amino acid sequence. Perform a BLAST Search Query Amino Acid Sequence.
Perform a search to find amino acid sequences of the database similar to the query amino acid sequence supplied
[Hint: Select Standard Protein protein BLAST [blastp] under the Protein BLAST option]
Continue the search procedure to reach the page that contains results. Using the results answering the following:
(a) Why does an amino acid query sequence leads to a higher similarity than a nucleotide query sequence? (Hint: genetic code)
(b) Identify 5 database sequences that are very closely similar to the query sequence. For them list the following:
o Name of the protein;
o Source (organism/tissue) of the protein;
o The amino acid identity;
o Similarity scores;
o E-values;
o Percentage of identity
o Percentage positives (that is, similar amino acids)
o Find the animals (apart from those five listed earlier) have this (query), protein with a similarity score in excess of 220 bits.
Please use doc or docx program to answer.