
use native dynamic sqla few programs a

Use Native Dynamic SQL

A few programs (a normal-purpose report writer for illustration) should build and process a variety of SQL statements at run time. Therefore, their full text is unknown until then. These statements can, and probably will, change from execution to execution. Therefore, they are known as the dynamic SQL statements.

Previously, to execute the dynamic SQL statements, you have to use the supply package DBMS_SQL. Now, within the PL/SQL, you can execute any type of dynamic SQL statement using an interface known as the native dynamic SQL.

The Native dynamic SQL is easier to use and much faster than the package DBMS_SQL. In the illustration below, you declare a cursor variable, then relate it with a dynamic SELECT statement that returns rows from database table emp:



emp_cv EmpCurTyp;

my_ename VARCHAR2(15);

my_sal NUMBER := 1000;


OPEN emp_cv FOR

'SELECT ename, sal FROM emp

WHERE sal > :s' USING my_sal;



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PL-SQL Programming: use native dynamic sqla few programs a
Reference No:- TGS0172853

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