Assume the Scores array is parallel to the Players array (both arrays are below).
Scores array
Scores[0] = 198
Scores[1] = 486
Scores[2] = 651
Scores[3] = 185
Scores[4] = 216
Scores[5] = 912
Scores[6] = 173
Scores[7] = 319
Scores[8] = 846
Scores[9] = 989
Players Array
Players[0] = "Joe"
Players[1] = "Ann"
Players[2] = "Marty"
Players[3] = "Tim"
Players[4] = "Rosy"
Players[5] = "Jane"
Players[6] = "Bob"
Players[7] = "Lily"
Players[8] = "Granny"
Players[9] = "Liz"
Write a looping program that presents the user with 3 options:
1) Sort Output by Players
2) Sort Output by Scores
3) Exit Program
When the first option is selected, sort the Players array in alphabetical order, keeping the Scores array parallel. Add code that determines the highest and lowest scores in the list. Include code to display each player's score and name in the sorted order. Below the sorted list display the highest and lowest scores in the list and the name of the player who received that score. Your sort by Player output display should look like this:
Scores Sorted by Player:
486 Ann
173 Bob
846 Granny
912 Jane
198 Joe
319 Lily
989 Liz
651 Marty
216 Rosy
185 Tim
989 Highest Score by Liz
173 Lowest Score by Bob
When the second option is selected, sort the Scores array in numerical order, keeping the Players array parallel. Add code that determines the average score of the entire list. Include code to display each player's score and name in the sorted order. Below the sorted list display the average of all scores in the list. Your sort by Scores output display should look like this:
Players Sorted by Scores:
173 Bob
185 Tim
198 Joe
216 Rosy
319 Lily
486 Ann
651 Marty
846 Granny
912 Jane
989 Liz
498 Average Score
You may use either the Bubble Sort or the Selection Sort algorithms.
You MUST use Modular Programming techniques by using Sub Modules (Sub Charts in RAPTOR) in your program. Your "main" module should not be very large.
You may NOT "hard code" the numbers for highest, lowest and average scores. These must be discovered through algorithms. If the array data is changed, these should automatically be calculated with the new data.