Assignment: Intro to Drafting and Design:
Use AutoCad Architecture 2018to complete the following. Due at the beginning of next class.
1. Starting at absolute coordinate -50',-50', draw a RECTANGLE with the opposite corner exactly (relative from the first point) 30',40' from the start point.
2. Draw a CIRCLE with a 60' radius with its center located at actual X = 20' and Y = 30'
3. Draw a CIRCLE with a 200' diameter with its center located at actual X = -40' and Y = -60'
4. Draw a POLYLINE. Start at actual X = -65", actual Y = -65"
a. Relative to that point, your next point is X = 100", Y = 100"
b. Relative to the previous point, your next point is X = 0, Y = -35"
c. Relative to the previous point, your next point is X = 17'-1", Y = 0"
d. Relative to the previous point, your next point is X = -20', Y = 60'
e. Relative to the previous point, your next point is X = -20', Y = -60'
f. Relative to the previous point, your next point is X = 20', Y = -60'
5. Upload the CAD file of your drawing to the correct Assignment Folder on D2L in the required format (.dwg).