
Use appropriate terminology for psychological concepts and


You will need to write about one psychological disorder from the following list:

  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Narcissistic personality disorder
  • Agoraphobia
  • Dissociative disorder (formerly "multiple personality disorder")
  • Pathological gambling
  • Munchausen syndrome
  • Asperger's syndrome
  • Anti-social personality disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Histrionic personality disorder
  • Dependent personality disorder
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Schizophrenia

Then relate your topic to two other subject areas in psychology. The remaining two areas are your choice, but must come from the list below:

  • Development
  • Brain and nervous system
  • Behaviorism
  • Memory
  • Emotions
  • Personality
  • Social psychology

Please note that this particular choice of areas is required by the Department of Psychology, so please don't ask if you can choose a different area.

What To Do

Begin by defining and explaining the psychological disorder you have chosen. What causes it? What are the symptoms? Then discuss the disorder in terms of its relationship to each of the two areas you have selected. If there is no relationship, choose another area.

You are expected to use appropriate terminology for psychological concepts and to demonstrate your understanding of those concepts. In other words, use psychological terminology, and the first time you use a term, define it.

How to do It

You must use your textbook as a foundation, and you must also include outside research (no Wikipedia, please) from SNHU's online library or reliable Internet sources such as universities and/or respected mainstream psychologists. Use only .edu and .org sites. Show that you have learned the material in the book and then added to that knowledge. Include at least four different outside sources.

The writing assignment will be used both as part of your grade and to assess the General Education Learning Goals for this course. The rubric is posted on Blackboard. Please read it carefully.

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Term Paper: Use appropriate terminology for psychological concepts and
Reference No:- TGS0610988

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