Pick an article from a reputable publication like the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, or Time Magazine. This article should relate to a trend in the Real Estate industry. Pay attention to the information you will need for your final project, and you can get a head start on it. Your article review should comply with the requirements below.
- Use appropriate academic format for an article review. Be sure to provide a resource citation at the end of your report.
- Give a brief summary of the article.
- Explain the relationship between your article and something you have read in your textbook.
- Critique the article. Some questions to consider in your critique are: Did the author express himself/herself clearly and concisely? Do you agree with the author? Was the author biased? What questions arise from your reading? Do you have recommendations for further study or regulation?
- Proofread your paper for sentence structure, clarity, conciseness, spelling, and grammar.