
use access 2007 to create a database called

Use Access 2007 to create a database called UniLib.mdb. - this file should be created on your personal drive at the university (or C: if you're using Access 2007 at home) and then copied onto your disk for handing in.

i) Create the following four tables; all fields must be of correct type and suitable size. The "Required" field property should be used appropriately (but sparingly).  You are required to establish correct relationships between the tables and enforce referential integrity.

BORROWER            to store data about each borrower to have 5 text fields (Student ID (primary key - 7 characters long), First Name, Last Name, Program, Study Mode)

1 Yes/No field called Suspended (to indicate whether the borrower is suspended - almost always "No"; it is only "Yes" if the borrower has committed a serious offence such as refusing to return a long-standing loan)

1 number field called Books Borrowable (the number of books the borrower is still able to borrow) indexes are to be created on the fields Student ID, Last Name, Program, Books Borrowable by using a "Lookup Field", the Program field is to be restricted to the values "BCom", "BBIT", "BEc", "BFin", "MCom", "PhD" by using a "Validation Rule", the Study Mode field is to be restricted to either "F" (for full-time) or "P" (for part-time)

Study Mode is to default to "F" (but, when you enter your data, override this default as required)

Suspended is to default to "No" (but, when you enter your data, override this default as required) the Books Borrowable field is to be restricted to an integer value between 0 and 4 (it is equal to 4 for borrowers with no current loans; the library's application software reduces it by 1 each time a borrower takes out a loan, and increases it by 1 each time a loan is returned; whenever its value reaches 0, the software blocks the borrower from taking out any more loans - none of this processing is part of this assignment). Therefore, no borrower can have more than 4 current loans

Books Borrowable is to default to 4 (but, when you enter your data, override this default as required)

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Database Management System: use access 2007 to create a database called
Reference No:- TGS0206057

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