
Use a personal narrative to state your views in response to

Narrative Argument about Education

You must write a 1000-word (3-4-page) narrative essay in response to the following prompt:

Use a personal narrative to state your views in response to the assigned readings on education below.

What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated? [updated September 2015] By Alfie Kohn


As you compose your essay, be sure to:

  • Follow the appropriate formatting style for your degree program (current APA).
  • Use signal phrases and proper in-text citations; make sure you include a references or works cited page.
  • Use the Essay 1 Grading Rubric, the Outline Suggestions document, and the proofreading checklist (provided below) to draft and revise your essay.
  • Include your thesis statement and outline on a separate page at the end of the document.
  • Type your degree program and which style of writing you are using (current APA) on the title page of your assignment so that your instructor can
  • grade your essay accordingly.

Fully cite all quotations, summaries, and paraphrases used within your essay, or those excerpts will be regarded as plagiarism and will result in a "0" on your essay and possible course failure.

Include a title page, the essay itself, a works cited/references page of any primary or secondary texts cited in the essay, and the thesis/outline page. Use the current APA format, on the title page and in the "Submission Title" field when submitting your paper.

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Dissertation: Use a personal narrative to state your views in response to
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