
Use a permutation test to compare the two groups summarize

Sadness and spending

A study of sadness and spending randomized subjects to watch videos designed to produce sad or neutral moods. Each subject was given $10, and after the video they were asked to trade $0.50 increments of their $10 for an insulated bottle of water. Here are the data:

871_Table 06.jpg

(a) Use the two-sample t significance test (page 394) to compare the means of the two groups. Summarize your results.

(b) Use the pooled two-sample t significance test (page 447) to compare the means of the two groups. Summarize your results.

(c) Use a permutation test to compare the two groups. Summarize your results.

(d) Discuss the differences among the results you found for parts (a), (b), and (c). Which method do you prefer? Give reasons for your answer.

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Basic Statistics: Use a permutation test to compare the two groups summarize
Reference No:- TGS02227499

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