
Usability engineering - analyse your observation on a

Usability Engineering

Section 1 - GROUP REPORT

You must perform all the following steps -

Step 1: Modify your test plan if it was recommended in your assignment 2 part 1 results.

Step 2: Recruit users
i. Recruit FIVE users (over 18) with characteristics that you identified to be a right fit
ii. The user must not be currently enrolled in the course Usability Engineering or taken the test previously.
iii. No extra marks will be awarded for additional user tests.

Step 3: Organise venue and equipment
i. Test must be conducted in a suitable environment convenient to the user
ii. A screen recording is MANDATORY. Recording any audio/video is OPTIONAL.

Step 4: Prepare the required documents
i. Consent form
ii. Screener and Pre-test questionnaire
iii. Post-test questionnaire
iv. Task sheets for your users
v. Observation sheets for the observer to take down notes during the test

Step 5: Conduct the test
i. Every member in the group must play the role of a facilitator or observer at least once during the test
ii. You must test ONLY ONE user at a time.
iii. You must have ONLY ONE facilitator during a test but may have MORE THAN ONE observer. You can also switch between the role of a facilitator or observer
iv. Your test should be no longer 45 minutes per user.
v. Be mindful of the ethical obligations to the user during the test
vi. The test must focus on the user's interaction with the website and not on the user.

Step 6: Analyse the results
i. Analyse your observation on a minimum of THREE major tasks using various usability metrics
ii. Approach the analysis using -
a. Spread sheet,
b. Affinity diagram
c. Use blank sheets of A4 paper to brainstorm the issues
d. Or a combination of these
e. Include evidence of your analysis process in the APPENDIX.
iii. Each member of the group MUST separately analyse any qualitative data collected during the user studies, identify themes, and write a separate report on their study.

iv. The group then examines the separate analyses to find which themes were found by more than one person, and therefore less likely to be purely one person's subjective opinion.
a. This is a part of the GROUP submission.

Step 7: Prepare the report
i. Use the template provided on blackboard to write your report.
ii. Be succinct and to the point. Use dot points or tables where appropriate.
iii. Attach your observation notes and all the required documents completed by the users in the Appendix
iv. You must submit your report in doc or pdf format on Canvas. It is recommended to check the report via turnitin before submission. Details will be made available on Canvas. ONLY ONE SUBMISSION PER GROUP


Submit the Screen Recording
- The recording should include on-screen activity and keyboard/mouse input during a user test session showing one of the most important usability issues.
- The screen recording of a user test must be a maximum of 4 minutes
- Any video / audio recording of the user is NOT necessary.
- You may edit the recording to highlight the usability issue.
- The format of the video must be avi, mp4, mov, wmv, mpg.
- Share the screen recording with the head tutor on Google Drive with NO READ/EDIT restrictions.

Attachment:- ReportTemplate.rar

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Other Engineering: Usability engineering - analyse your observation on a
Reference No:- TGS02762398

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