
Ups in india- a package

Based on the case study
Ups in India- a package deal?
Using the procurement perspective to answer plZ these questions
1-Why are foreign MNEs like UPS seeking to invest in India? 2. What risks come with investing in emerging as opposed to developed markets?
3- compare and contrast the national cultures of the us and India using hofstede's dimensions. How might these differences affect UPS's formulation and implementation of an expansion strategy in India?
4- what advantages might accrue to local competitors ? How might foreign MNEs gain a competitive advantage in the Indian market?
5- what modes of entry would you recommend that UPS consider? How would you structure any potential deals?
6- which lessons from UPS past history might be helpful in entering the Indian market? Which ones might not be transferable ?
7- how does better procurement practice help UPS be competitively better?
8- where should UPS improve on its procurement operational agenda to gain and/or sustain competitive advantages?

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Business Management: Ups in india- a package
Reference No:- TGS0927429

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