
Uprising study of gender norms and behavior


An empirical study that includes an association claim would be the uprising study of gender norms and behavior related to health from these presented gender norms (Fleming & Agnew-Brune, 2015). This analysis was measured using pearson correlation, gender norms are explained to be very closely correlated to following health behaviors, this in which, brings across an attentive towards acknowledging the binary and outer identification of gender and how it divides within the population of differing individuals. Gender norms are considered to pertain specific regulations that include the actions, appearance, and mindset of a community solely based upon their gender, when taking women and men as an example, there are traditionally many opposite ways in which they are subjected to behave within their societies. Upon the influence of gender norms, certain individuals do not wish to abide by the normative actions, this in which may lead to issues within family and relationships, as well as problems with personal jurisdiction and mental stability (Hassanzadeh et al., 2014). A main issue with gender, is the inequality that prose from the differences; the problem may lead to substance abuse related closely to the gender normative expectations and negative notion on health, r=-0.53, P < 0.001 detailed that gender inequality equated into higher doses of substance abuse and declined general health. Is this right or true?

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