
Upper-echelon leaders for a management journal


How would you write this brief article about "upper-echelon leaders" for a management journal. You have decided to compare the leadership styles of three leaders: Staley Wang, Leslie Marks, and Joseph Hadad.

In your article, provide the given:

An introduction to the concept of influence processes

A summary of the various types of influence processes and the factors that can affect them

An analysis of the processes used by the three leaders: Stanley Wang, Leslie Marks, and Joseph Hadad.

Identify the processes that the leaders and top management team (TMT) are using to impact the organization.

Use the table below to organize your answers. Please enter into each cell in the table how that leader is using that particular influence method (if applicable)

EXCERISE: Influence Process

This exercise is designed to help you identify the process that upper-echelon leaders use to impact their organization and most particularly its culture. After reading each of the following scenarios, identify the processes that the leaders and TMT are using to impact the origination.

Brain Toys Executive:

Stanley Wang, the CEO of Brain Toys, joined the organization a few years before the founder, J.C. Green, decided to retire. It became clear early on that Stanley was destined to rise fast. With a B.S. Degree in engineering and Graphic design, an MBA, and several years of experience in computer software design, he fit right in the Brain Toy culture. He was bright, witty, analytical, and competitive. J.C took a liking to him and put him in charge of several high-visibility projects with potential for high impact and big budgets. Stanley performed every time. Within the first two years, Stanley won all the internal awards that Brain Toys gives its mangers. Several of his peers maliciously credited Stanley's love of running rather than his technical and managerial competence as the cause of his success. Stanley ran with the boss every day before work and they trained for many races together.

The Soft-Touch Leader:

Leslie Marks was proud of her accomplishment as one of the few executives in the male-dominated information technology field. As the president of uniform Data Link, she describes herself as a "soft-touch" Leader. "I just don't believe in heavy-handed leadership. People have to be able to express themselves and that is when you get the best out of them. Our best ideas come from all levels." She keeps an open door for all employees and has moved her office from the third floor to the first. She often comes to work in jeans and spends a lot of time with the engineers brainstorming on technical problems. She changed many of the evaluation and promotion procedures and asked several less educated but highly experienced employee to work with her on important projects.

The Hospital Economist:

JOSEPH Hadad graduated with a doctorate in economics and health care administration from a major southwestern university and after many years of work in various health care organizations. Hadad was named as the top administrator of a major phoenix hospital. As an economist and a strong believer in fair pay, Hadad focused much time with the human resource managers, revamping the hospital's compensation and benefit plan. The old system based on seniority was all but dismantled and replace with a pay-for -performance system that ties the pay of all employees, including the physicians, partially to the hospital's financial performance. The plan allows for some flexibility for two years, whereby employees are not penalized for poor performance, but only rewarded for good financial health. After two year, they shared in the good and the bad. Most of the hospital's employees complain that Hadad seemed to care about nothing else. Many also note a major change in everybody's behaviors.

Influence Method

Stanley Wang

Leslie Marks

Joseph Hadad

Direct decisions




Allocation of resources




Reward system




Selection and promotion of other leaders




Role modeling




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HR Management: Upper-echelon leaders for a management journal
Reference No:- TGS01948991

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