
Update the credit hours classification and the gpa taking

-Person (Name, ID, Address, DOB

- Instructor (InstructorID, Rank, Salary)

- Student (StudentID, Classification, GPA, MentorID, CreditHours)

-Course (CourseCode, CourseName, PreReq)

-Offering (CourseCode, SectionNo, InstructorID)

- Enrollment (CourseCode, SectionNo, StudentID, Grade)

Write a JDBC program P3.java.

For each student, update the credit hours, classification, and the GPA, taking into account the current GPA and grades in the courses the student is currently enrolled in.

All the courses are 3 credit courses.

The classification should be updated according to the following criteria:

Freshman: 0-29; Sophomore: 30-59; Junior: 60-89; and Senior: 90 and higher.

The grades are usual letter grades and the points assigned to the grade are as follows:

A = 4.00; A- = 3.66; B+ = 3.33; B = 3.00; B- = 2.66; C+ = 2.33; C = 2.00; C- = 1.66; D+ = 1.33; D = 1.00; F = 0.00

As an example, suppose that the current GPA of a student is 3.5, she is a freshman, has taken 27 credit hours, currently she is enrolled in two courses, and has A and B+ in those courses.

Then the new credit hours is 27 + 3 + 3 = 33. Her new classification is Sophomore. The new GPA is ((3.5 * 27) + (3 * 4.00) + (3 * 3.33)) /33 = 3.53.

You should calculate and store GPA as a float. Note that rounding of GPA must be done only for printing.

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Computer Engineering: Update the credit hours classification and the gpa taking
Reference No:- TGS02886359

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