Problem: Conduct a close reading
Eventually King let Margie redesign him as well. The new King Rao had a collection of well-tailored pastel oxford shirts, which he wore, tie-less, with jeans and, for an unthreatening splash of quasi-Indian style, Birkenstock sandals. The King Rao uniform, they started calling it in the press. His hair was styled with a swooping wave that floated above his forehead and sometimes flipped down onto it, his eyes framed by a pair of round glasses with thick black frames. He drew the line at surgery but allowed a visit to the world's best dermatologist, who cured his eczema with an experimental steroid-and-ultraviolet treatment. The rest was nonmedical, the work of a great hairdresser and a meticulous tailor, Goop affiliates both. When he was all fixed up, he looked in the mirror and was startled by the impressive man standing before him, almost handsome. (267-268).