
Unsaved marissa maintains an account on a social networking

1. Unsaved Marissa maintains an account on a social networking site. She always performs updates on her own time, making sure to avoid visiting the site at work. Lately she has been upset by a new policy at her company and has made comments about it on her social networking page. Which of the following parts of a code of conduct is Marissa violating?

A) Maintain the security and confidentiality of your user ID and password.

B) Take care of any property assigned to you.

C) Use your knowledge of organizational information in a responsible way.

D) Use the organization's supplies and services for official purposes only.

2. Unsaved Language that outlines acceptable and unacceptable use of IT resources and defines sanctions to be applied if a violation occurs is typically found in a/an __________.

A) employee code of conduct

B) professional code of ethics

C) security risk assessment

D) user access agreement

3. Unsaved (Yes/No). Marie has a part time business selling jewelry. At her full time job as an accountant, she uses the company employee database to obtain addresses for employees that she knows well so she invite them to a party at her home designed to let them see and buy jewelry. Is this acceptable use?

A) Yes B) No C) Maybe

4. Unsaved (True/False). Social networking through such services as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube have made significant changes to the way people gather and share information and experiences. Downloads from these services are safe from data theft and viruses.

A) True B) False

5. Unsaved True or false? Online social networks are a totally safe environment in which to expand one's contacts and meet people from any part of the world.

A) True B) False

6. Unsaved In the scenario below, identify which of the three dimensions is primarily threatened or compromised. The constant popups on his computer are making it difficult for Alfonso to accomplish work that involves being on the internet.

A) Confidentiality B) Integrity C) Availability

7. Unsaved In the scenario below, identify which of the three dimensions is primarily threatened or compromised. A virus begins logging Alfonso's keystrokes and captures the user ID and password to his bank website.

A) Confidentiality B) Integrity C) Availability

8. Unsaved (True/False). If you are the only user of your personal computer, it is not necessary to perform a risk assessment to identify any vulnerabilities related to your personal database.

A) True B) False

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Operation Management: Unsaved marissa maintains an account on a social networking
Reference No:- TGS02576268

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