
Unlike basic c++ arrays that burden the programmer

In this assignment, you will be required to implement a generic SortedArray Container class. Elements in the SortedArray should be always in the non-decreasing order. Unlike basic C++ arrays that burden the programmer with the task of keeping track of its capacity and utilization, the SortedArray must also provide an interface to the programmer to allow for retrieval of information about the number of elements inside it as well as the maximum number of elements it can store. 

• SortedArray MUST store elements internally in a C++ array. Please refer to the vector implementation example in the textbook, page 81-82. 
• SortedArray MUST be able to store elements of any comparable type that provides operator < and operator =.
• All the elements in the SortedArray should always be in non-decreasing order. 
• SortedArray MUST have a no-argument constructor that initializes its internal array to some size. This size MUST NOT is so large as to prevent a calling program to initialize several instances of SortedArray in a single execution. Suggested length values are 16 or 64. 
• Every SortedArray instance holding n elements MUST accept insertions as long as the system has enough free memory to dynamically allocate an array of 2n+1 elements at insertion request time, regardless of the initial capacity of its internal array. If the system does not have such free memory, SortedArray MUST report an error message as the result of the insertion request. 
• SortedArray MUST implement the full interface specified in the file SortedArray.h 
• You MUST NOT change the file SortedArray.h 
• You class implementation must be in the file SortedArray.cpp
• You must submit a memo (a single .doc file) with the time complexity analysis of each member function.
• I will provide a program to test your class. Compile and run the program with the class. You should probably write other test program(s) to make sure everything works. 

The interface of SortedArray is provided in the attached SortedArray.h file.
It provides for the following public functionality, all of which can be achieved using an internal array representation for the data.
• SortedArray(): no-argument constructor. Initializes the internal array to some pre-specified size.
• ~SortedArray(): destructor.
• SortedArray(const SortedArray&): copy constructor.
• SortedArray& operator= invoked by the copy constructor.
• const Object& operator [](int)const: returns the ith element stored in this SortedArray, where the 1st element is the element in the front.
• Object& operator[] (int): mutator that returns the ith element stored in this SortedArray.
• bool equals (const SortedArray & rhs): returns true if this array and the rhs array have the same elements, in the same order. (The capacity of the containers may be different, only the actual number of elements in each must be the same for the call to return true.)
• void clear(): removes all the elements of the container. This SortedArray should still be useful after a call to this function.
• bool empty(): returns true if the SortedArray contains no elements, and false otherwise.
• void print(ostream& os, char delimiter = ',') const: print all elements of SortedArray to ostream os. Each element is followed by a delimiter except the last element. 
• int size(): returns the number of elements stored in this SortedArray, which may be less than its capacity.
• int capacity(): returns the current capacity of this SortedArray.
• void reserve(int newCapacity): sets the new capacity. MUST report an error current size is already larger than the requested capacity. MAY do nothing if the existing capacity (but not the size) is larger than the requested capacity.
• void insert(const Object &): insert new elements into the correct position in the array, sliding elements over the position to right, as needed.
• void deleteMin( ): remove the element in position 0, and slide over all the other item.
• void deleteMax( ): remove the last element.
• const Object & findMin( ) const: find the minimum element.
• const Object & findMax( ) const: find the maximum element.
• int binarySearch (const Object & x): Performs the standard binary search using two comparisons per level. Returns index where item is found or -1 if not found. Please refer to Figure 2.9 on the Page 59 of the textbook.

What to turn in:

Upload all your files as a single ZIP file to the VLT under the "P1" folder. You should include two documents, your source code and your memo (a single .doc file). Your source code must be named SortedArray.cpp.

How the program will be graded.

Time Analysis Worst case O() of each member function with explanation. 
Program Style 
Your Name 
Description of the problem in your own words 
Overall program style and comments
Pre/Post conditions for functions

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C/C++ Programming: Unlike basic c++ arrays that burden the programmer
Reference No:- TGS0139181

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