
University of maryland university college - marketing

" Why India is ideal for Tesla's Globalization Project"

Company: Tesla , an innovative automotive industry.

- Paper should be 5-6 pages
- APA format and doubled space with references.

- Opportunity factors and trends

Economic: What is the market size and growth forecast FOR YOUR COMPANY'S PRODUCT/SERVICE.

2. Specifically describe your target buyer

3. Find measures that will help you determine how many of those target buyers are in each country market. DO NOT use the same macro-level measures of economic stability and growth used to select these two countries for analysis. They already have reasonable economic stability and growth potential, which is why you are considering them for further analysis.

To find measures of Buyer potential, in each each country, look for

1. sales/demand data for your client's industry, (e.g., sales of automobiles cell phones, cloud computing services, each representing a different industry),

2. Descriptive data for your Target Buyer (e.g, income, age, educational level for consumers; or. for business Buyers, descriptors such as size of firm; retail, wholesale, depending on your client's targeted business buyer).

o Opportunity (capability) to support the operational needs of your product/service.
0. Clearly state those needs. which you you identified in your company profile; e.g., suppliers for your company product/service; or supporting transportation infrastructure for distributing your product; or appropriate workforce to fulfill your client's need for specific types of jobs in country).

1. Then determine whether the country can support those needs, using appropriate measures (e.g., of infrastructure, workforce characteristics, etc.)
o Other Opportunity Support factors for your product/service. (PESTEL) (e.g., government subsidies or incentives aimed at your industry; social attitudes that favor your type of product or industry or country of origin).
- Threat factors and trends
o The key industry factors and trends that will likely affect the general level of competition for this product/service (Use Porter's 5 +2 forces)

- To Porter, competition or "rivalry" in an industry can be fierce, moderate, or limited, depending on the strength of the other forces; e.g., fewer buyers increases the intensity of competition among industry firms, as does the threat of new entrants or the cost for a company to exit a market. What is your assessment of the general level of competition in these two countries, given how these industry factors operate in each country.
o Identify the specific key competitors (both multinational and local) for your company's product/service in each country
o Threats to client's operational needs (e.g., lack of needed supplies, infrastructure, workforce)
o Other Threat factors for your product/service (PESTEL) (e.g., political regulations, cultural animosity toward western brands or toward your client's type of product/service, geographic terrain that makes distribution difficult/costly)

3. Recommend India for entry, based upon your analyses, and supported by appropriate data from your research. A summary table would be most effective for showing the most important elements of your country comparison.
- For your recommended country, specifically acknowledge the country level Threats that will require risk mitigation strategies.
- Recommend potential mitigation strategies for these threats

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Marketing Management: University of maryland university college - marketing
Reference No:- TGS02923353

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